Christmas hours 2023: Closed 22 December, reopening on the 3rd of January.



Cyber Security Week 2024

Lock up your digital valuables

It is Cyber Security Week 2024.

Consider how you can keep yourself and your business a little safer.

  1. Turn on 2-factor authentication where you can. At minimum, this should be your bank, IRD, accounting software, and email. Please turn it on for those programs you rely on, such as Facebook/Instagram, WhatsApp, or Office 365.

  2. If you use the same password for everything, you may as well not have a password; one breach, and they will have access to everything! If you cannot remember passwords, get a password manager (I use LastPass). They are free, meaning you secure all your passwords with one very secure password. The easiest way to create a secure password is using a passphrase. For example, #207IsTheFirstCowInTheShed.

  3. When you get a text/email from IRD, bank or NZ Post with a link in it, do not click. That is not how they work. Always look at the address the email is coming from; does it look right.

  4. If you get an email from a supplier saying they changed their bank account number, find their phone number on your phone or online (not the number in the email!) and call them to ask if they changed their bank account.

    If you need help with any of this, get in touch!